Bersediakah Kita Untuk Hadapi Masa Itu

Bekalan untuk menghadapi masa itu,
adakah mencukupi...
adakah bersedia...
adakah sempurna...
atau mungkinkah sebaliknya...

Monday, November 29, 2010

A lot of things want to say

Alhamdulillah, today, Allah gives me a strong to open my blog. Subhanallah, it's long time i did not update my blog. From July, until now....~maybe because busy on other works.

July was the early of semester, now it's going to the end of semester.

Lot of things actually I want to write here:
1. The experience on PSM II
2. The experience on PD I
3. The experience on Hari Raya maybe
4. The experience trip to K.Lipis (new)

And I'm sure, from my experiences a lot of moral of the stories can we take. I'm very sure that, all these things are Allah's power and He is the one doing all these things.

Let's have a nice experience and look it from your bottom of your heart (pndnglah setiap perkara dengan mata hati)...~

Next posts are all my experiences along the sem. Jazakallah~

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